Prisoners in Amasya E-Type Prison regularly are beaten up, threatened by wardens and guardians. They are not allowed to see a doctor or go to the hospital.
The Wardens even threatened visitors and families of prisoners and call them “terrorist’.
Mehmet Kaplan, a father of prisoner Kadir Kaplan, made a public statement at Van Province Human Rights Association. He said his son told him on the phone that guardians, 1st Deputy Warden Aydin, 2nd Deputy Warden Bekir and Head Guard Fethi tortured prisoners. 1st Deputy Aydin threatened prisoners by emphasizing “I am the State, I can do whatever I want to you. Now, there is a state of Emergency, and I am the one who is in charge here, you are at my mercy.”
Torture suspects of Amasya E-Type Prison:
- Warden Aydın Çeliker
- 1. Deputy Warden Aydın
- 2. Deputy Warden Bekir
- Head Guard Fethi
- Guardians