Sakine Arslan, a mother of Murat Can Arslan who is waiting for a trial at Kirikkale F-Type Prison, talked to the Cumhuriyet daily, she said: “My son has been beaten and tortured. There are bruises on his arms and nail scratches on his neck. Why did you torture a high school student?”

Murat Can Arslan was a high school student when he was detained on December 8, 2017, as a result of a secret witness statement against him. He was arrested on December 28, 2017, and he has been waiting for a trial in prison since then.

He was among 12 prisoners who were beaten and tortured while being transported from Silivri Prison to Kirikale F-Type Prison. He told his mother that they were wakened up in the middle of the night by guardians. Guardians wanted to do a naked search before taking them to a prisoner transport vehicle. Detainees resisted the naked search and after that, guards started beating them and dragged them to the vehicle without letting them take their clothes.