In Bayburt, Police Officers take prisoners awaiting a trial to Police Headquarter and torture them

Another torture incident in Bayburt added to thousands of others in the state of emergency. In Bayburt, Police Officers took E.O. from the prison where...

Human Rights Association Report: Systematic torture in Elazığ T-Type Prison

Human Rights Association (IHD) releases a report on torture allegations in Elazığ T-Type Prison in a press conference. IHD stated that systematic torture takes...

Rize’de işkence

15 Temmuz sonrası, daha önce fişlenen binlerce insanı delilsiz mesnetsiz gözaltına alınca,  Polis ve Adli makamlar dosyaları doldurmak için delil üretme çabasına girdi. Polisin delil...

Torture suspects of Ankara Police Headquarters

In Ankara, the locations where detainees are reported to have been tortured or subjected to maltreatment are Ayaş Prison in Ankara’s Sincan district; the...