Systematic Torture in Diyarbakir
Police Officers in Diyarbakir Police Headquarter systematically torture detainees in custody.
Detainees first were brought into police center from the prison where they were kept...
Systematic torture reported in police headquarter in Bartın province of Turkey
Turkish media outlets have reported new incidents of the systematic torture in the Police Department in Bartın province of Turkey which had come to...
Mass torture at The Ankara Arena
On April 26, 2017, Detainees in The Ankara Arena were tortured by police officers. According to witness and victim statements, Police Officer Huseyin Canturk...
Zonguldak Province became a Torture Center
Murat Hamurcu who had been detained twice and gave his statement before, detained again in Zonguldak. He was forced to sign a pre-written statement....
Torture in Yalova Counter Terorism Branch revealed by victims statement
Torture in Yalova Police Department, Counter Terrorism Branch (CTB) was revealed by victim statements.
These are experiences that S. and a teacher has gone through...
Police Officers torture people under the control and supervision of the prosecutor in Şanlıurfa
Atilla Yazar, the head of the Urfa branch of the Human Rights Association (IHD) and Eren Keskin, the vice-president, said that they have received...