Report shows number of rights violations increased during OHAL in Turkey

Declaration of emergency rule has led rights violations in Turkey’s prisons, which have existed for many years, to become more widespread and visible. A report...

Turkish police torture two university personnel for weeks in Antalya over their alleged links to Gülen movement

Sedat Gökçen and Ahmet Gödük, two former personnel of the International Antalya University, which was closed by a government decree under the rule of...

Sakine Arslan a mother of detainee Murat Can talked to the Cumhuriyet Daily: “My son has been tortured. There are bruises on his arms and nail scratches on his neck”

Sakine Arslan, a mother of Murat Can Arslan who is waiting for a trial at Kirikkale F-Type Prison, talked to the Cumhuriyet daily, she...

The International Bar Association Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) calls on Turkish gov’t to end torture of detained lawyers, persecution of HR defenders

The International Bar Association Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI), an international lawyers group, has released a statement to mark the “2018 Day of the Endangered Lawyer” amid...

Turkish Police Tortured Suspect, Threatened To Rape Wife

A Turkish man jailed over alleged links to the Gülen movement was reportedly tortured under custody while police threatened to rape his wife during...

UN Special Rapporteur Nils Melezer’s report on Torture in Turkey published by UN Human Rights Council

The report by Nils Melzer, the UN special rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, on his mission to...