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Torture in Yalova Counter Terorism Branch revealed by victims statement

Torture in Yalova Police Department, Counter Terrorism Branch (CTB) was revealed by victim statements. These are experiences that S. and a teacher has gone through...

Police Officers torture people under the control and supervision of the prosecutor in Şanlıurfa

Atilla Yazar, the head of the Urfa branch of the Human Rights Association (IHD) and Eren Keskin, the vice-president, said that they have received...

Four villagers severely tortured in Gevas District Police Center

Four villagers tortured for allegedly attacking the District Police Department of Gevaş, in the eastern Van Province of Turkey, are released. The governorship of...

Acun Karadağ’ı gözaltında taciz eden polis Kadir Işık

KHK Direnişçisi Acun Karadağ kendisine gözaltında cinsel tacizde eden polis Kadir Işık'ı tespit etti. Ankara Polis müdürü gözaltına alınan kadınlara cinsel tacizde bulunmakla suçlanıyor. https://twitter.com/acun_karadag/status/877642537984380928

Torture in Osmaniye Prison! All air conditioners are turned off despite the extremely hot...

Administrators of Osmanli Prison made the conditions of the facility even worse instead of improving. Prisoners don’t have enough mattresses so that some of...

Torture Suspects