Testimonials of 48 torture victims in court brought the tortures in Kirikkale Police Headquarter to light. Victims stated that they had been physically and psychologically tortured by police officers in Kirikkale Province Police Headquarter.
After the July 15 Coup Attempt, Tortures in Kirikkale started with the order of Hasan Onar, Chief of Kirikkale Provincial Police. It peaked the worst when Mahmut Çorumlu assigned as a new Chief.
Even though Chief Prosecutor Kasım Tüten was aware of the mistreatments, he did nothing to prevent them happening.
According to victims’ statements, while in custody, they were subjected to:
- raped with a truncheon
- stripped naked and forced to stayed under cold water
- dragged in the corridors of detaintion center when head covered with a shirt
- testicle squeezing
- threatened with raping their wives and children
Torture Suspects:
- Hasan Onar – Ex-Chief of Provincial Police Department
- Mahmut Çorumlu – Chief of Provincial Police Department
- Kasım Tüten – Chief Prosecutor
- Yasin Demir – Ex- Chief of Anti-Terror Branch – Police officer at the United Nations Mission in Sudan
- Hakan … – Police Officer