In Turkey, torture and ill-treatment in prisons are tremendously increasing. Kars is one of the notorious places where torture extensively applied.
Even the people that listen to torture events entered the psychological trauma, while the condition of the living in the person of torture is grievous.
Detainee Murat K., waiting for a trial, lost his sanity due to torture. In addition to heavy violence during detention, he was subjected to psychological torture.
Ekrem K., a cardiac patient, kept in custody for a long time. He was subjected to heavy physical activities as a method of torture. Chief of Anti-Terror Branch Volkan Özeren forced him to “get down, get up” activities even though he was well aware of Ekrem K.’s health conditions. After that Ekrem K. Had a heart spasm and taken to the hospital for a surgery.
According to information received, Governor Rahmi Doğan and Chief Prosecutor Serdar Durmuş ordered to use methods of tortures in interrogations. After this permission, Prosecutor Osman Sağlam and Chief of Police Faruk Karaduman applied severe tortures on detainees.
Officials in charge:
- Kars Valisi Rahmi DOĞAN
- Kars Cumhuriyet Başsavcısı Serdar DURMUŞ
- Kars Dava Savcısı Osman Sağlam
- Kars Emniyet Müdürü Faruk KARADUMAN
Torture Suspects:
- Emniyet Mdr. Yrd. Ercan ERDEM
- Kars Cezaevi Müdürü Tacettin Bingöl
- KOM Şube Müdürü Erdem KOÇ
- KOM Şubede Göveli Komiser Yardımcısı Yakup DÜLGER
- KOM Şubede Göveli Komiser Yardımcısı Hüseyin AZİZOĞLU
- Polis memuru Volkan Özeren
- Polis memuru İbrahim Ethem Batı